10th Armored Division
G-3 Journal
19 March 1945
| Time in | Time out |
| Messages, Orders, Incidents etc. |
19 | 0005 |
| from CCB | Riley has cleared woods 585036, 175mm field pieces captured, continuing on to take town GRÜGELBORN 6202 |
19 | 0005 |
| from CCB | attached infantry arrived this town 2300A |
19 | 0005 |
| from CCB | Team Shaddeau forward elements 722071. Tanks heard in woods outside village to their front, continuing on mission at 2040. No resistance reported |
19 | 0005 |
| from 94th ID | CP will close Hermeskeil and will open birkenfeld 18 Mar, 1630A |
19 | 0045 |
| from CCA (phone) | negative report |
19 | 0100 |
| from XX Corps (Maj Clark to Capt McKaney) | Maj Clark: Is there anything new? Capt McKaney: No reported change in Richardson or Riley. N/C in Chamberlains location held up by crater and road block. N/C of Cherry or Haskell. Maj Clark: We would just as soon Cherry and Haskell do not get involved down there, the 80th has people right behind them ready to go on your call. Capt McKaney: Our Commanders understand the situation as instructions were sent them on that. |
19 |
| to Res Comd | Effective immediatley 318th RCT (-1st and 3d Bn) motorized is releaved attachment Res Comd, 10th AD, and reverts in place. to control 80th ID RCT Comdr has already been notified by this headquarter. |
19 | 0205 |
| from CCB | Notify 318th that 3d Bn 318th closed vicinity of SÖTERN 515108 at 2240. |
19 | 0345 |
| from CCA (phone) | Hankins' advanced elements removed road block and passing thru town at F170 K025 at 0233A. TF Cherry N/C . TF Haskell at F172 R025, 22.00 -- 0330 |
19 |
| 0405 | to XX Corps (Lt Smith to Lt Hendrichs) | Lt Smith: TF Hankins moved out at 0150; other elements of CCA regrouping, preparing to move. No reports from CCB. |
19 | 0432 |
| from Reserve Command | Team Gatchel moving out for town of Alsweiler |
19 | 0445 |
| from 80th Inf Div (S-3 Lt to Lt. Smith) | S-3 Lt: Are you people going to bypass your first object there? Lt. Smith: Well we are doing both; we have columns 2 to 2½ kilometer NW looking for a bypass another Column about 6 kil West looking for a bypass to the South and the 1st Bn 318th was attached to CC A prepared to clear out the objective |
19 | 0505 |
| from 90th Rcn | Sq Task Force moved out on mission at 0300 |
19 | 0505 |
| from CCA | FO with 1st Bn 318th reports no resistance moving CP 187 at 0355 |
19 | 0505 |
| from CCB | S Team of TF Richardson 1 Kil E CP 182 having difficulty with terrain. |
19 | 0505 |
| from CCA | Forward elements TF H at F097 L070 at 0355 A contacted friendly doughs moving to that point, no enemy resistance, road block at that point |
19 |
| 0525 | to XX Corps (Lt Smith to Maj Clark) | Lt Smith: An FO with 318th RCT 1st Bn reports his position as in the center of town of St. Wendel across the river, checking up on this. Richards in same location running into difficult terrain. Major Clar: Have you heard anything from the 12th Armored Division. Lt Smith: No, not in the past few hours anyway. |
19 | 0527 |
| from CCA (Major Cronninger to Sgt Hart) | Maj Cronninger: Road block at F083 L067 cleared continuing on mission |
19 | 0530 |
| from CCB | Team Master reinforced by 5 medium tanks, attack 0530 on North Route. |
19 | 0530 |
| from Reserve Command | It is imperative that we have an answer to message 181930 (Capt McKaney gave this info to Captain Finch in person) |
19 | 0530 |
| from 90th Rcn | Task Force in assembly areas F260 R055 |
19 | 0550 |
| from CCB | Chamberlain at 729062, another crater holding up team, MG and rifle fire coming from town ahead. |
19 | 0550 |
| from CCB | Head of colum TF Richardson now in GRÜGELBORN 6202 |
19 | 0505 |
| from CCA | TL PO 5095 EP 7095 |
19 | 0555 |
| from CCA (phone) | no change in Cherrys column |
19 | 0600 |
| from Reserve Command relay by FM Rad | (Relay by FM Rad) TF Gatchell in town of Alsweiler at 0500 signed 0505 |
19 | 0605 |
| from CCA (phone) | Cherry not change in location. Friendly infantry contacted in town, now clearing up this side; meeting no resistance. |
19 | 0610 |
| from 90th Rcn | CP closes present location 0600, move to temporary assy area S. 2 town |
| to Res Comd | 132 at our previous CP |
19 | 0700 |
| from 90th Rcn | Correction on message 0500, location should read F128 R028, present location CP F068 R036 |
19 |
| 0709 | to CCA | Lt. Smith: The 6 just came in and wants to know what the plans on Cherry are? Major Balthis: Cherry is going thru town now. If the bridges are blown, we will pull him back and go around possibly the way Hankins went. Our CP is moving to O |
19 |
| --- | to CCA | Continue drive forward in multiple columns to seize objective without delay |
19 |
| --- | to CCB | Imperative your report present location Riley and Richardson at once |
19 | 0745 |
| from CCB | forward elements TF Chamberlain 731061. Crater filled. No enemy resistance. Track vehicle heard to direct front. TF Richardson no change. |
19 | 0745 |
| from CCA | TF Hankins contacted TF Richardson at F120 L070 at 0705A. Continuing on mission. |
19 | 0745 |
| from CCB | Leading Team Richardson at 655030 |
19 |
| 0700 | to CO CCB | Continue drive forward in multiple columns to seize objective without delay |
19 |
| 0754 | to CCB by FM Rad | Lt. Smith: Request latest reports on forward elements. Captain McGauly: Chamberlain now in 2 columns; his Lt Tks at 705083; no report on Riley. Richardson in OBERCHERCHEN. Riley will go to the South of Richardson. His vehicles were bogged down lat night. Lt. Smith: Hankins has contacted Richardson last night at 0705, then Hankins was to continue on mission. Richardson was at GRUGELBORN, and Hankins was at FIRSWEILER. Capt McGauley: That was probably Team Riley who is attached to Richardson, and Riley will operate on the South of Richardson. Chamberlain has been running into craters or blown bridges every 200 or 300 yards. |
19 |
| --- | to CCA | report dispositions at once |
19 |
| 0800 | to CCA, Maj Balthis by Rad Phone | Lt. Smith: What are your dispositions? Maj Balthis: As of 0753 Haskell and Chamberlain preparing to leave first objective on new mission. No report that they have moved out yet. Hankins has contacted Richardson at point given before and continuing to CP 209. Lt Smith: 2 things we want to know are there any brigdes intact in the town, and when the town is clear. Maj Balthis: Have moved infantry into objective and are clearing it now, it will take a little time as it is a large town. Will Riley operate South of Richardson? Lt. Smith: Yes, however, I'm making a note of it and will work it out from here. Maj Balthis: That isn't the way Col Sheffield told me. Lt. Smith: We'll straighten it out here and with McGauly. |
19 | 0805 |
| from CCA | Cherry crossed bridge F188 F034 |
19 |
| 0840 | to 90th Rcn, Major Layton by FM Rad | Major Layton: We are moving the Sq HQ to Remmesweiler with B Tr, which is already at the River looking for crossings. D Tr is at Mainzweiler. Have taken a few PWs. Sq HQs is at Alsweiler at present passin thru. |
19 |
| 0857 | to XX Corps | Lt Smith: Chamberlain is in 2 columns now, first column at 731061 at 0600. He has hit 4 craters so far along that road, so he has broken off and it now at 705083 also. Richardson is at 655030 t 0725. Riley is in the the vicinity of Richardson getting himself together. Hankins contacted Richardson at 6202 at 0705, then continued officer . Cherry crossed bridge in middle of St. Wendel at 0805. 1 troop of Cav is along the River looking for crossings. |
19 |
| from 90th Cav | our tanks moving south along Ridge vicinity Fl33 R044 at 0630. KSC elements peeling off behind tanks and moving DJE E on Road Front. |
19 |
| from 90th Cav | Sq Task Force has reached final objective. Rcn elements moving to flank on mission. |
19 | 0920 |
| from CCA | CP opened at F038 L067 at 0835A |
19 | 0920 |
| from CCA | Adv elements TF Haskell at CP 191 as of 0835A. |
19 |
| 0930 | to CCA FM Radio | Major Balthis: Haskell at Ck Pt 191, meeting no resistance. Continuing on Mission at 0835 A. TF Hankins at Ck Pt 212; moving toward Ch Pt 211 at 0850A. CC A CP is moving from present location to our first objective (St. Wendel): TF Cherry is pushing Team Brown right now. Do not have his forward locations at present. Col. Sheffield: Boundary between CCA and CCB: All roads west of Ck Pts 221, 212 and 213 belong to CCA. On E CCA has all roads South of CkPts 227 and 241. South of 8098, 8796 + 9895; these are coordinates. Major Balthis: I understand. |
19 |
| 0930 | to CCB by FM Rad | Col: Sheffield: the new boundary between you and CCA, with you staying to the East and North of this line. CP 221 - 212 - 213 - 227 - 241 and coordinates 8098 - 8796 - 9895. Capt McGauly: Ok. 1st team of Chamberlain at 734078; other team (Shaddeau) forward elements at 734061; road block cleared but direct fire covering their position. Friendly artillery is being placed on suspected position now. CP CCB opened 0845 at 559069. Air OP reported bridhe blown at 065008. Would like any information on 12th Armored Division. Also think it should help Com to have all CCs and yourself assigned a frequency. Col: Sheffield: will try to get info on the 12th Armored Division. Re frequencies, I'll ask to Col Graham but think there are none available. |
19 |
| 0950 | to XX Corps | Col Sheffield: we have a bridge at 582928, but the roads to it are bad. Rcn is out looking for a good route and as soon as one is found Reserve Command will move out toward Kaiserslautern. Haskell at 0835 at 615968 (St. Wendel- Langenfelderhof). Hankins at 0850 was at 645990 (Hoof). CCA CP is moving to St. Wendel. CCB Chamberlain North team at 734078; South Team at 734061. CCB CP at 56069 (Walhausen) |
19 | 1000 |
| from CCA | TF Hankins still at F120 L070. TF Richardson passing through Now 0805 |
19 | 1005 |
| from CCA | TF C at F106 L002. Ord and Air Corps dump taken at F110 L001. No enemy resistance |
19 | 1005 |
| from CCB | PW captured at 0700 Vic 625045 Fr 55 Pzjg Bn |
19 | 1010 |
| from Res Cmd | CP closed Gronig f101 at 0700. Opened Alsweiler 5197 at 0800. |
19 | 1010 |
| from CCA | Correction on message 0500. Should read: "Cherry reports bridge at F088 R016. |
19 | 1010 |
| from CCB | forward elements TF Chamberlain at 731061 attempting to bypass blown bridge as of 0625. Forward elements in column of TF Riley 63003 erms South Column at 619020. Reason to follow. |
19 | 1010 |
| from G-4, traffic | 2 40-T floating Baily bridge open Merzig and Mettlach |
19 |
| 1010 | to CCA by phone | Col Sheffield: have the infantry started relieving you yet in St. Wendel? Major Balthis: _____. Col Sheffield: We are planning on moving down there later today, so earmark a good place for our CP, and when the 80th relieves you, let us know as soon as possible as we have to notify corps. |
19 |
| 1015 | to XX Corps by phone | Gen Walker: Get forward to Kaiserslautern with everything you have got. Don't get tied up in any more infantry fights. If a road stops you, bypass it and go around. Use every available road on your front. Impress everybody that is if forward with everything they have got as fast as they can go to Kaiserslautern. |
19 | 1030 |
| from CCB | CP CCB at 559069 opened at 0845 |
19 | 1045 |
| from CCB | Air reports blown bridge at 665008 at 0900 |
19 | 1045 |
| from 90th Rcn | CP located at F158 R158 R062 |
19 | 1045 |
| from 90th Rcn | Road Alsweiler 518972, Marpingen 507950, Urexweiler 522598, Remmesweiler 557936, Niederlinxweiler 583926 suitable for Division load. |
19 | 1045 |
| from 90th Rcn | Town F132 R088 clear. Bridge seized intact at F175 R051. And F182 R073. Fire fight now going on in town F182 R073 |
19 | 1050 |
| from CCB via radio | Col Thayer: I want to obtain permission in case one of my teams get going first, to go across the boundary and go into CCA area. Col Sheffield: I am sure that will be allright. The only point is that CCA has priority in CCA Sector, we don't want to stop the movement of any of our elements going forward. Col Thayer: from aerial observation the Autobahn starts at "K" 7101. If a team, that I have now about 2 miles to the west hits the autoband I expect to keep rolling. So I would like permission to go into A Sector. Col: Sheffield: If you get there first, ok. Col Thayer: The latest locations of my forward elements are: TF Chamberlain - one team at 785068 at 0945: another team working to the S, I don't have its location; Team Lang is at 065992 at 0945. What are the forward locations of CCA? Col Sheffield: TF Hankinsa at Ck Pt 212 at 0850; TF Haskett at Ck Pt 191 at 0835; TF Cherry 1 km North of Ck Pt 192 at 0850. |
19 | 1110 |
| from 90th Cav | Sq CP moving to Remmesweiler. B/90 continuing on mission to East. Mainzweiler entered, 10 PWs taken at 548932, D/90 assembling Mainzweiler ready for committment. |
19 | 1110 |
| Received from 26th Inf Div | Received from 26th Inf Div: G-3 Report No. 149; Received from 80th Inf Div: G-3 Report 202. |
19 | 1130 |
| from Div Trains | Trains CP opened Mitlosheim (L307044) 0905A. Trains crossed IP Trier 0730A. Cleard IP 0825A. Closed bivouac 0950A. Vehicle and personnel casualties none. |
19 | 1145 |
| from CCA | TF Cherry at F130 L001. Held up by anti-tank and mortar fire. Have captured telephone exchange in big town 0952A. |
19 | 1145 |
| from CCB | Team Long of TF Richardson going to 648060 678048, thean easy moved out at 0920A. Team Maher of TF Chamberlain Bat 772076. Contacted APO 262 at 0945A. |
19 | 1145 |
| from CCA | TF Hankins at F135 L050. Bridge intact at 0940A |
19 | 1145 |
| from CCA | CP open F091 L017 at 1000A |
19 | 1145 |
| from CCA | urgently recommend St. Wendel or Cl One three five Sig Charlie CO one three two. Signed S-4 CCA |
19 | 1145 |
| from Div Artillery | forward elements at 199212 - 214231 |
19 | 1145 |
| from CCA | TF HDA F148 l015. Heavy artillery fire falling that vicinity at 1045A |
19 | 1155 |
| from CCA | TF Cherry at F135 L005 at 1040A. TF Hankins at F150 R040 at 1050A. TF Haskell at CP 214 at 1100A. |
19 | 1150 |
| from CG Adv | Cherry stopped by Kt fire at Werschweiler |
19 | 1150 |
| from XX Corps | Regimental Combat Team minus 2 Infantry Battailions detached from 10th Armored Division and reverts to 80th Infantry Division Eff immediately |
19 | 1150 |
| from CCA | friendly infantry moving into C187. Our attached infantry moving up to rear of OFX prepared to push on if needed. |
19 | 1150 |
| from CG Adv | We are at CCA |
19 | 1150 |
| Received from 65th ID | Opns Inst No 6 (i); and G-3 Report No. 13 (j) |
19 | 1150 |
| Received from 94th ID | Engineer Operations report (k); Daily Engr Opns Report (1); Ch No 9 to Adm = No. 14 (m); G-3 Report No 118 |
19 | 1150 |
| from 90th Cav | Have bridge at 582928 Divison load. We are crossing all elements now. Will guard bridge. Will notify Reserve Command. Roads to bridge poor. Reconnoitering for good route. Towns of Remmsweiler and Mainzweiler clear. Captured 52 PW so far. Seemed surprised we are operating in area. Caputred QM supplies and a few trucks. CP at Remmesweiler |
19 | 1210 |
| from CCA by Radio | Maj Balthis: TF Hankins at CkPt 213, on way to ChPt 226 at 1150. |
19 | 1225 |
| from 90th Cav | B/90 minus at F183 R072, holding bridge. 2d Plat B/90 pass thru, moving to size crossing over next stream. 3d Plat B, also out there now. 1st B, 1st F, 1st D rushed at F19008 and seized bridge at that point. Enemy caught by surprise. 3 anti tank guns, 5 carts loads of weapons and ammo over run. 37 PWs taken there. Now strenght of enemy unknown. Motar fire falling on town. Bridge at F19098 suitable all loads. 2d Platoon B engaged by enemy fire F196 R077 at 1030. 1 emeny gas truck destroyed this vicinity. |
19 | 1230 |
| from CCB | 1st, 2d and 9th batteries of 111th Artillery Regiment are completely destroyed. PW states guns not destroyed. |
19 | 1230 |
| from CG Adv | Hankins 0930A All moving |
19 | 1230 |
| from CCB | leading elements of TF Richardson at 666095 |
19 | 1230 |
| Received from 26th Inf Div | Message from 182200A to 191000a Mar 45. |
19 |
| 1245 | to XX Corps | Capt McKaney: We have a bridge at Ottweiler and Niederlinxweiler. The report that bridge at Oberlinxweiler intact was incorrect. We have one bridge at Niederlinxweiler. Reserve Command is now passing over and is going on mission. Request some infantry assistance at Ottweiler to take over bridge so 90th can go on mission. We have also made contact with 12th ArmDiv. Capt Lee: I will make arrangements for Infantry to take over |
19 | 1250 |
| from CCB | Team Maher 1 km SE of Ck Pt 310 at 1043. No resistance. |
19 | 1250 |
| from CCA | TF Cherry reports anti tank fire and some mortar fire falling vicinity road block at F130 L001 at 1041. |
19 | 1250 |
| from CCA | enemy site our Sector TF H no resistance at 1040. TF Haskell receiving heavy artillery fire vicinity F148 L015 |
19 | 1205 |
| from Reserve Command | Team Gatchell moving out for town of Alsweiler |
19 | 1250 |
| from CCA | TF Hankins reports no enemy resistance at 1041A |
19 | 1255 |
| from CCB | Team Lang at Check Point 219. No resistance reported. |
19 |
| from XX Corps by phone | Capt Lee to Col Sheffield: 2 Bnss of 26th InfDiv are down at Ottweiler and will relieve your Cav unit so they can continue their mission |
19 |
| to CCA, CCB, CCR, 90th Cav | Panels with color of day will be placed on captured enemy motor vehicles and horse drawn vehicles. |
19 | 1300 |
| from liaison Sc by phone | Capt Walker to Lt Smith: Lt Segal reports that the infantry moved into townof St. Wendel right behind our column. |
19 | 1310 |
| from CCB | location of Team Lang at B218 hit road block am checking same. Will proceed on mission at 1015 |
19 |
| 1300 | to all Units and attached Units and XX Corps | Crown CP closes Wadern (3904) at 1700 open St. Wendel same hour. |
19 | 1315 |
| Received from Div Trains | Memo giving locations of all elements of Division Trains as of 1300 |
19 |
| to CG Tank | bridges at Checkpoint 180 and 2200 Mtrs East of Checkpoint 180 reported intact by Rcn. Team of Reserve Command cleared Checkpoint 176 at 1100 |
19 |
| to CCA, CCB, 90th Cav | Comet directs we bypass and contain the city of Kaiserslautern, continuing the attack to the East as rapidly as possible. You are to by-to South keeping contact with other units. More detailed instructions later. |
19 |
| to CCA | bridges at Checkpoint 180 and 2200 Mtrs East of Checkpoint 180 reported intact by Rcn. Team of Reserve Command cleared Checkpoint 176 at 1100 |
19 | 1340 |
| from CCA | TF Hankins reports no enemy resistance at 1205A |
19 |
| 1345 | to XX Corps by phone | TF Chamberlain at 819078 at 1043; another column at 732063; TF Richardson at 674040 at 1035; another column 650061 at 1200, held up by road block there; another column 668020 at 1015; Riley at 669996 at 0950; Hankins at 659978 at 1150; TF Haskell at 663966 (Bubach) at 1140, receiving direct anti-tank fire; Command crossed bridge at Niederlinxweiler. Received some artillery fire. |
19 | 1600 |
| from CCA | We are send Hamper Red to relieve elements at F140 R035 |
19 | 1600 |
| from CCA | TF Cherry at F184 L001, TF Hankins at F155 LK031, TF Haskell at F173 L017 |
19 | 1600 |
| from CCA | TF Cat F185 R000. Team held up by exploding ammo dump same vicinity |
19 | 1600 |
| from CCA | TF Hankins at F177 L028. TF Haskell reported by Air to be at F2056 L016. TF Cherry no change. |
19 | 1600 |
| from CCA | TF C at F203 L004 at 1430 |
19 | 1600 |
| from CCA | TF Haskell at F210 L018 at 1300, TF Hankins following |
19 | 1600 |
| from CCB | CP of TF CB lead elements at 748052 and T/S at 77202 at 1440. T/M at 767024. Receiving some small arms fire at 1500 |
19 | 1600 |
| from CCB | Team Shaddeau 744052. Knocked out 1 anti-tank gun there at 1255, continuing on mission furture route. CP 270 - 271 and 272, 286 East to North Staufenbach. Team Tolbert on middle route, Team M on North route. |
19 | 1600 |
| from CCB | Head of Team Billet at 679017 |
19 | 1600 |
| from CCB | Co K, 318th RCT accomplished mission, cleaning out Nohfelden and woods in vicinity. 10 PWs taken |
19 | 1615 |
| CP closed Wadern 1615 and opened at St. Wendel 191615 A March 45 |
19 |
| 1600 | to CCA, CCB, 90th Cav, Res Comd | all elements are to continue the attack during the night. There will be not let up until we reach the Rhine River. |
19 | 1635 |
| from CCA | CP now in route |
19 | 1635 |
| from CCA | TF Cherry at F225 R020, at 1510; TF Hankins F200 R015 at 1522 |
19 | 1635 |
| from CCA | TF Cherry at F220 R105 at 1500 |
19 | 1650 |
| from 90th Cav | Platoon at F138 R087 has fought out and pulled back to West. 2 bridges in town blown. 1 Platoon still in F138 R070. Road block North end of F098 R099. Defended with direkt gun fire. |
19 | 1720 |
| from CCA | TF C at F203 L004 at 1430. |
19 | 1720 |
| from XX Corps | Received Memo dated 19 Mar 44 - Subject - Change in Boundary (w/overlay). |
19 | 1720 |
| from CCA | TF Haskell at F210 F015 at 1300. TF Hankins following. |
19 | 1720 |
| from CCB | Receiving small arm fire vicinity 876024 at 1500 |
19 | 1720 |
| from 90th Cav | Platoon at F138 R087 has fought out and pulled back to West. 2 bridges in town blown. 1 Platoon still in F138 R070. Road block North end of F098 R099. Defended with direkt gun fire. |
19 | 1720 |
| from CCA | TF Cherry at F220 R005 at 1500 |
19 | 1720 |
| from CCA | TF Cherry at F225 R020 at 1510. TF Hankins at F200 R015 at 1520. |
19 |
| 1730 | to CCA per radio | Col Sheffield: Did you get the radio message I sent you. It was rogered for at your HQ. It is important that you get it. Major Balthis: The latest location of my forward elements are: TF Haskell at Checkpoint 814 at 1655; Cherry F240 R047 at 1640; Hankins following Haskell; bridge blown at 790969; PW states that enemy withdrawing to Landstuhl |
19 | 1745 |
| Received from XX Corps by liaison O | G-3 Sitrep No. 918; Sitrep No 853; and Sitrep No 859. and overlay showing locations of Front lines XX Corps. |
19 | 1750 |
| from CCA | TF Haskell at Checkpoint 814 at 1645A; TF Cherry at F240 R047 1640. |
19 | 1750 |
| from CCB | TF Cherry at F285 R055 at 1727 |
19 | 1750 |
| from CCB | Team Tolbert cleared town at Checkpoint 282 at 1550A. Team Maher located at 893019 at 1530A. No resistance. |
19 | 1800 |
| from CCB | Lead Elements Team Lang at edge of town 722011. Enemy withdrawing in large numbers to South East at 1520 |
19 | 1800 |
| from CCB | Bridge at 792021 and 792009 destroyed 1450. City telephone in Kusel captured intact. |
19 | 1800 |
| from 90th Cav | HighC reported moving South from F135 R053 to F138 R070 at 1500 |
19 | 1800 |
| from CCA | CP temporarily halted at F147 L011 at 1615 |
19 | 1800 |
| from CCB | Forward elements Team Shaddeau at 790014 at 1453. Team O'Grady to follow Maher. |
19 | 1810 |
| from CCB | Team Shaddeau at 743032 at 1359 took 100 PWs from town |
19 | 1825 |
| from CCB | TF Richardson at 719011 at OMEN MRESWTEQ |
19 | 1825 |
| from CCB | CP of TF C lead elements at 748052 and Team Shaddeau at 772026 at 1440; Team M at 867024 at 1500 receiving some small arms fire. |
19 | 1825 |
| from Res Comd | Past 4 hours we have been held up by a bridge at OKY PRJ. They are all pinned up in there and we are waiting for OKY to pull them out so we can operate to their South. This location at WW. |
19 | 1832 |
| from G-3 Air | Bridge intact over Rhine (M4615-R5099). |
19 | 1845 |
| from CCB | Capt McGauley: It seems as though TF Chamberlain has gotten through. Meeting no resistance. Elements as follows: Team Shaddeau (819039). Team Tolbert out of contact but estimate at 845007. Team Maher has road trouble where he is going; he is now at 869009 as of 1700. TF Richardson now passing Billett through Team Lang. Captured 2 batteries artillery complete. At the rate Chamberlain is going we had better get the instructions that XX Corps gave to you. Capt Crerie: I will get these and call you back. |
19 | 1915 |
| from CCA | CP now at F260 L013 as of 1815A |
19 | 1940 |
| from CCA | advanced elements TF Cherry F320 R060 as of 1845 |
19 | 2000 |
| from CCA | TF Haskell stopped because of blown bridge at F29 L020 will get across in 3 hours from 1900A |
19 | 2030 |
| from CCA | TF Cherry F370 R043 moving fast |
19 | 2050 |
| from CCA | We must have operational issue of maps to continue this operation tonight. Issue should cover all the way to final Obj 1=50,000 Scale 39-10, 39-11. Answer. |
19 | 2055 |
| Received Book Message from XX Corps: | Division Rear Boundaries are established as follows: beginning at L2632 South along Ruwer River to Niederzerf L242119, South along road to Greimerath L240077, South along road to Britten L230031, South West on Highway L-101 thru Weiler Q155960 thru Waldwisse Q125914 to Halstroff Q095882, South East thru Flastroff Q1278589, Filstroff Q135812 to Bouzonville Q128776, South East to Bettange Q087719 |
19 |
| 2100 | To XX Corps by phone | TF Chamberlain at 1700 at 819039 - 845007 - 868010. TF Haskell at 1900 at 790968. TF Cherry at 2000 at 870905. |
19 | 2105 |
| from CCA | TF Cherry now estimated 1000 PWs walding back from his forward position without guards, we will try to gather them up |
19 | 2105 |
| from Div Artillery | Our CP ist at CP 804 (749971) latest location TF H CP 825 (787970), TF Cherry 1000 meters South East CP818 (780908) |
19 | 2105 |
| from CCA | Head of TF Cherry at F410 R043 receiving direkt anti-tank and mortar fire at 1945 |
19 | 2105 |
| from CCA | Head of TF Cherry at F410 R043 receiving direkt anti-tank and mortar fire 2020 |
19 | 2105 |
| from CCA | TF Haskell held up by blown bridges F290 L019 will be repaired by 2200. TF Hankins at F270 L017 are waiting column in front to clear will attempt another route. |
19 |
| --- | to CCA | reply message 1940 there are no one to fifth maps available any further E will be necessary to use on to twenty five and one to one hundred |
19 | 2130 |
| Received thru M/C | 796th AAA Periodic Report No 110 (and) 796th AAA Unit Report No 111 |
19 | 2135 |
| from CCB | Commanding Officer and S-3 are on way to your Headquarters |
19 |
| --- | to CCB | Eff immdiately C Tr 90th Rcn Rlvd Attachment your Comd and reverts to Sq control, Sq Commander will advise you where he desires troops to report |
19 |
| --- | to 90th Cav Rsn Sq | Eff immdiately C Tr 90th is Rlvd Attachment CCB and reverts to Sq control, advise CO CCB where you desire troops to report |
19 | 2205 |
| from Res Comd | Send our Liason Officer to us |
19 | 2205 |
| from CCA | request location Forward elements KQJ KMD |
19 | 2214 |
| from Res Comd | Our team entering town of Breitenbach and cleaning out |
19 | 2214 |
| from CCB | TF Riley took 708994 at 1900, Team Lang took 7 ??Bou098??give (5), at 1840. Team Billet took 770??ewo (2) 971 at 1900, no resistance encountered. |
19 | 2245 |
| from Div Engr by phone | Capt Winthrob reported bridge at Q635944 completed at 2200 |
19 | 2245 |
| Received CCB liaison Os Report as of 2045 19 Mar |
19 | 2245 |
| Received Res Comd Periodic Reprot NO 122 by Sp Mesgr |
19 | 2254 |
| from CCA | TF Cherry, TF Hankins, TF Haskell no change, Wheel unit enroute F320 R060 |
19 | 2255 |
| Received G-2 10th AD periodic report No. 70 |
19 |
| 2312 | to CCA by FM Rad | Capt McKaney: What can you tell me now? Capt McCubbin: All elements practically the same since our last report; working on bridge and it should be complete soon. TF Cherry in same positing running into anti tank and mortar fire. Infantry moving up to him now. Capt McKaney: What time will Haskell move? Capt McCubbin: I am trying to get that for your know. Capt MacKaney: As of forward elements unit on your left at F390 L070 and F350 L105. |
19 |
| 2315 | to XX Corps by relay thru Crown Rr switch | as of 1700 leading elements TF Chamberlain 891020 - 250006 out of contact with them since 1700. TF Haskell at 2312A 790968. awaiting estimated completion bridge. TF Cherry at 2312A at 901905 held up by direct anti tank fire and mortar, infantry on way to him now. |
19 | 2340 |
| Received from Lt. Buck | location Div Artillery CP Sängerhof 7497; 776th at Bockhof 721966; 419th FA Bn at Haschbach; Cherry at 2130 at 821891; FO of 419th at 2100 was at 2000E 8000 South of CP 261; FO was 250 South 500 E of 819. 193d FA Gp CP at CP220. 423d FA BN at CP251. 689th and 274th at CP250. |