10th Armored Division
G-2 Journal
20 March 1945
20 | G-2 | CCA | 0010 | 2107 | 14 | Est PW today: 1500 - 1600; estimated enemy dead 279; wounded 470; material destroyed: 5 AT guns; 1 truck model undetermined; 7 motor vehicles including half truck, 10 horse drawn vehicles, 1 large gun estimated 210mm w/tractor. |
20 | G-2 | CCA | 0010 | 2330 | 15 | Haskill reports spasmodic arty fire. 20 more PW. They are surrendering in groups of two or three to their outposts at 2230A |
20 | G-2 corps | G-2 |
| 0035 |
| PW identifications by radio |
20 | G-2 | CCA | 0100 | 0022 | 15 | Receiving spasmodic arty fire vic L401 R042 at 0009A |
20 | G-2 | CCB | 0100 | 0020 | 16 | PW states 20 officers and 150 EM left woods vic 595028 at 2000A moving E armed with 8 MG, riefles and bazookas |
20 | G-2 | CCB | 0100 | 2345 | 17 | request info whether or not other units have contacted elements of 17th SS Division |
20 | G-2 | CCA | 0100 | 2232 | 18 | 2nd Mtn Div now extinct including arty. 416 Div also knocked out including arty. 559 Div may appear our sector 2 march units with number 559 identified and destroyed by us today. |
20 | G-2 | CCA | 0100 | 2230 | 19 | Did you take over our PW cage vic CP 187 today. We did not evacuate them to your rear cage. G-2 knows location. See our message signed 16,0A |
20 | G-2 | CCA | 0135 |
| 20 | 65 PW under guard and waiting transportation at F275 R049 at 2350. Request transportation be sent this location |
20 | G-2 | XX Corps | 0200 |
| Requested info on reported counterattack at Ottweiler. Was informed that we have no info on it. Corps was given messages 15 - 20. Corps was given estimate of enemy dead and wounded, material captured or destroyed |
20 | CCA | G-2 |
| 0220 |
| PW cage at CP 187 - taken over today. |
20 | CCB | G-2 |
| 0220 |
| Per your Message signed 2345A - Lichirie reports identification 15 Co 33 SS PGR at 1805A |
20 | G-2 | CCB | 0310 | 0225 | 21 | Hospital at Herschweiler Q7298. Captured 70 patient and Medic detachment, commanded by a Major. |
20 | G-2 | XX Corps | 0410 |
| Major Herman questioned our figure on enemy material captured or destroyed, as we had reported 9 tanks destroyed for the past two days. Capt Dee reported enemy material captured or destroyed as entered in journal |
20 | G-2 | 11 AD | 0430 | 1930 |
| Enemy fighting skillful delaying action utilizing numerous road blocks, destroyed vehicles and bridge demolitions. Elms 6 and 2 Pz providing greatest resistance. Bridges across Nahe River blown. PW from 246 Volksgrenadier Divison states 986 Regt, 600 men and Div Trains, 200 vehicles, 400 horse passed through Mikestein 18 Mar with orders to cross Rhine at mouth of OAN River. |
20 | G-2 | 80 Div | 0430 | 1920 |
| Enemy resistance to our advance was light and disorganized. Concentration arty received vic Neipel Q4098 at 0600A on March 19. 6 enemy howitzers captured intact at L546003 Bliesen. Enemy field train captured at Namborn L5602 and in RR station in Namborn numerous rifles, MGs and equipment taken. |
20 | G-2 | CCB | 0445 | 0400 |
| no change |
20 | G-2 | CCA | 0620 | 0515 | 22 | Enemy build up in back of TF Cherry vic F290 R076 and cut off some of his supplies. |
20 | XX Corps | G-2 |
| 0730 |
| ISUM #150: Forward elements at 903905, 003986, 990913. Enemy resistance disorganized, consisting primarily of sporadic arty fire and some direct fire weapons. Some trouble with small groups enemy infiltrating behind forward elements. |
20 | IPW | G-2 |
| 0843 |
| G-2 phoned concerning guards left here by CCA. Lt Loss knows nothing about them but will check with PM and advise G-2 |
20 | G-2 | IPW | 0850 |
| MPs say the guards were relieved but they do not know where they went |
20 | G-2 | IPW | 0910 |
| 23 | PW from 47 Volksgrenadier Division captured at Rückweiler 642091. The 2nd Bn came up to St. Wendel 17 Mar from the South. PW from 111th Mtn Arty Regt, 2 Mtn Division are mostly personnel from Trains. State most of the guns were left at Wahnswegen |
20 | G-2 corps | G-2 |
| 0920 |
| Air reports 2 road blocks about 100 yards apart at H3096__ |
20 | G-2 | IPW | 0922 |
| 24 | Papers taken from member of Hitler Youth indicate they are to follow the Volkssturm across the Rhine. Another document to all Kreisleiters is a tank alert ordering all tank and road blocks closed and manned. Document from higher headquarters orders all foreign workers, PW and females evacuated across the Rhine. |
20 | XX Corps | G-2 |
| 0928 |
| Col Eckles phoned Col Curtis. Forward elements at R025955 and Q902906. New identifications: 103 Regt 47 Volksgrenadier Divison vicinity Rückweiler 642091 came from Hagenau on 17 March. 1127 Regt of 559 Volksgrenadier Division Birkenfeld Q5916. PW from Div Hq of 559 Volksgrenadier states headquarters was at Lauterecken 4 days ago. Told Col Curtis he would former papers taken from PW (message 24). Col Eckles gave Col Curtis a summary of conditions at St. Wendel. Major Rawley gave Capt Crawford further information on PW identifications. Special PW has been tagged and will be sent to Corps shortly. Location of forward elements Haskell H025955 at 0840. Cjerry Q902906 at 0355A. |
20 | G-2 | CCA | 1008 |
| 25 | TF Cherry reports 2 enemy truck convoys contacted moving East between 760860 and 775857 at 22030A on 19 March, each estimated 20 to 30 vehicles |
20 | XX Corps | G-2 |
| 1050 |
| Forwarded document on Hitler Youth orders |
20 | G-2 | CCA | 1050 |
| 26 | 10 to 15 enemy JB vehicles in woods at 770865 at 0945A on 20 March, unknown number of troops with them |
20 | G-2 | CCA | 1050 |
| 27 | Bridge out at 100961 |
20 | G-2 | CCA | 1115 |
| 28 | PW states that 17 SS Pz Div is responsible for organizing defense of the area |
20 | G-2 | OB | 1120 |
| Enemy orders dated 19 march states assembly area of 719 AT Bn will be in Wiebelskirchen Q5986. Order also stated "sector of 719 Inf Div must be cleared by 1200 19 March" |
20 | G-2 | G-3 | 1120 |
| Bridges blown at R055953 and R002983 |
20 | XX Corps | G-2 |
| 1130 |
| ISUM #151. Captured order dated 9 march states assembly area of 719 AT Bn will be in Wiebelskirchen Q3986, also stated sector of 719 Inf Div must be cleared by 1200 19 March. Bridges blown at R055953, R002983 and 100961. 10 to 15 enemy GP vehicles in woods at 770865 at 0945A on 20 March. Leading elements received mortar, 88mm and arty fire at R055953 at 1122A |
20 | G-2 | IPW | 1140 |
| Captured LtCol Schulze and Capt Gunther Peter Feldmaier fromt e Arms Inspection unit XXII B |
20 | G-2 | CCA | 1150 |
| 29 | Civilian states no soldiers or mines in Kaiserslautern. AT defenses weak. No AT ditches East of town. SS troop left Kaiserslautern 16 March. All types troops left from ___ks __ thru city East thru Neustadt (Note of Editor: line nearly completely missing, just the tops of the letters visible) |
20 | XX Corps | G-2 |
| 1205 |
| Corps lines out at present time |
20 | G-2 | G-4 |
| 1212 |
| Message from CCB: Send 10 trucks to Kusel 7604 to pick PW. Guide posted center of town. 700 PW on hand. Map shortage acute. Need one over 25,000 request. |
20 | G-2 | CCB | 1415 |
| 30 | Air CP reports AA fire vic R1200 at 1130A |
20 | G-2 | CCB | 1435 |
| 31 | PW situation as follows: 500 vic Kusel when ordered by a dough commander to get them out of town. Started them headed West. At present have approximately 200 more at Siegelbach, expect another 200 before dark. No resistance. Reported new identification: 11 Rock Drilling Co. |
20 | G-2 | 90th Cav | 1512 |
| 32 | Pillbox at 900887, one German seen. 3 pillboxes at 907862, seem to have back entrances. Did not investigate. Continuing on mission. |
20 | G-2 |
| 1630 |
| CP opened in Kaiserslautern |
20 | G-2 | XX Corps | 1630 |
| 11 copies Corps G-2 Periodic Report #222, 10 copies ISUM No. 398. XX Corps MII Team Report No 61 |
20 | G-2 | Third Army | 1630 |
| Army G-2 Periodic Report No 281. Army ISUMS, 181800A, 182400A and 190900A. Tactical IWP Report No. 199. G-2 Information Bulletin #23 |
20 | XX Corps | G-2 |
| 1630 |
| ISUM No. 152. Estimated 2000 PW have been send to rear by our forward elements. Many of these were turned over to infantry units. The enemy infiltrated across the highway at R075938 with about 30 riflemen and 1 panzerfaust. Our forward elements met heavy resistance vic 152923 from what is believed to be a Flak Bn with 88mm and 20mm gun. Messages 1, 2 and 3. |
20 | G-2 | CCA | 1716 |
| 1 | Enemy gun vic 125975 cal unknown, at 1636A |
20 | G-2 | CCA | 1716 |
| 2 | Enemy tank located vic 121971 at 1649A. Two enemy AT guns vic 129980 at 1643A |
20 | G-2 | CCA | 1720 |
| 3 | PW and civilian state enemy withdrew all last night and morning via Bad Dürhkeim 310557 and Neustadt 295855. They plan to cross the Rhine and make stand at Mannheim. |
20 | G-2 | Div Arty | 1750 |
| 4 | Enemy troops withdrawing over bridge at 5280. Civilians also report that bridge at 5298 is impassable. Am sending civilians to your location now. |
20 | XX Corps | G-2 |
| 1830 |
| Civilians state that bridge at 5298 is impassable and that enemy troops withdrawing over bridge at 5280. This report not verified. Molschbach 060870 cleared of enemy and 15 PW taken at 1735A. Large enemy column moving east on road Steinben 9470 - Geiselberg 9781 at 1730A (above message sent by radio) |
20 | CCA | G-2 |
| 1830 |
| Civilians states bridge at 5298 is impassable and that enemy troops withdrawing over bridge at 5280. This report not verified. |
20 | CCB | G-2 |
| 1830 |
| Civilians states bridge at 5298 is impassable and that enemy troops withdrawing over bridge at 5280. This report not verified. |
20 | G-2 | CCB | 1855 |
| 5 | Railroad and Highway bridge at Mannheim are still intact. Bridge at M492058 and Railroad and Highway bridge at Worms destroyed. |
20 | G-2 | CCB | 2005 |
| 6 | AT guns located M104962 firing at 084944. Strong resistance at Binkenbach 1198 and Alsenborn 1399, Flak Btry destroyed at 079991 |
20 | G-5 | G-2 |
| 2026 |
| PW, Officer in an Ordnance outfit, states there is a quantity of guns and ammunition at 58 Barbararossa Strasse (Kaiserslautern) that has not been picked up by the Americans. |
20 | XX Corps | G-2 |
| 2110 |
| Enemy offering stiff resistance at Enkenbach 1198 and Alsenborn 1399 at 1805A. Flak btry destroyed at 07991. AT guns firing from 104962. |
20 | XX Corps | G-2 |
| 2200 |
| ISUM #153. forward elements at Q1893 and Q1693 meeting up with heavy resistance. CCA reports 1800 PW on way to Division Cage. |
20 | G-2 | IPW | 2245 |
| 7 | Lt Moss reports 1853 PW processed today |
20 | G-2 | IPW | 2250 |
| Lt Moss requested transportation to clear cage |
20 | G-1 | G-2 |
| 2253 |
| Major Rawley phoned G-1 re PW transportation. Asked that Lt Spellman contact Lt Moss |
20 | G-2 | CCB | 1117 |
| Request coordination of PW collecting point |
20 | G-2 | 90th Cav | 2335 | 2255 | 8 | Civilian report 2 tanks, 10 motor vehicle wagon and 500 infantry in Mittelbrun at 1500A moving East towards Obernheim. |