10th Armored Division
G-3 Journal
17 March 1945
| Time in | Time out |
| Messages, Orders, Incidents etc. |
17 | 0009 |
| from 318th RCT (S-3 officer to Capt McKaney) | S-3 O: 1st Bn patrolling road ZIRF - WEISKIRCHEN. 3d Bn still in WEISKIRCHEN; 2d Bn N/C since last report. |
17 | 0011 |
| from CCA (Sgt Conrad) | to Sgt Hart: no change as of 2400 |
17 | 0124 |
| from CCA (S-2 Sgt) | to Sgt Hart: TF Hankins opened CP at F049 L045 at 2355A; forward elements N/C 318th reports movement of enemy troops from WEISKIRCHEN to STEINBERG, indicates enemy withdrawal to NE. Hot road reported open to 1/4 t travel - 0113. message given to G-2. Pw reports estimated 200 enemy Vic woods 322072 and 200 enemies north of WEISKIRCHEN 335072 -- 2200 |
17 | 0130 |
| from CCB | request location of your leading elements |
17 | 0141 | 0141 | to CCB | TF Hankins 369069; TF Cherry 376035 |
17 | 0253 |
| from CCB | P CCB at 340154 CP TF Riley at 388139; CP TF Richardson 434178; CP TF Chamberlain now moving to 433178, CP C Tr/90th Rcn at 3317155. Led elements TF Riley last reported at 437126, lead elements TF Richardson last reported at 445175, TF Chamberlain to attack officer or E from Vic 433178 |
17 | 0302 |
| from CCB | Negative report |
17 | 0312 |
| from CCA | no change |
17 | 0400 |
| from 318th (phone) | situation no change as of 0400 |
17 | 0455 |
| from CCB | no change in situation |
17 | 0616 |
| from 318th (phone) | no change |
17 | 0620 |
| from CCA | no change in locations as of 0600 |
17 | 0621 |
| from CCB | Inf trucks AR will leave in 2 hours, TF Riley at 490123, Team Shaddeau of TF Chamberlain six asks North at about 0400 from 431177 SE Richardson attack E from 450176 at 010 (message sent back to be clearified) |
17 | 0805 | 0805 | to XX Corps (Mr Dean to Maj Clark) | Mr Dean: Nothing on CCA as we are out of Com with hem. Riley move to 490123 as of 0130. Team Shaddeau of TF Chamberlain was to attack 0400 from 431177. Richardson was to attack east from 450176 at 0100. |
17 | 0813 |
| from CCA | Team Hyduke jumped off at 0710 |
17 | 0813 |
| from CCA | Team Davis moved out at 0700A Team Wall moved out 0705. |
16 | 2330 | 162330 | to CCA | B battery 796th AAA Bn (-2d platoon) having been Rlvd from mission on TRIER bridge, is now attached to your command. Battery has been instructed to report to your HQ by 170600. |
17 | 0813 |
| to CCB | message only 2d Plat of B Btry attached CCB |
17 | 0813 |
| to CCB | RCT has 1 Co trucks. We are trying to get more the Bn attached to you is to be completly Mtzd. The balance of RCT is to remain in Assy areas until futher notice. |
17 | 0813 |
| to CCA | Plan as outlined in field message has been approved by Corps Comdr and is in eff as of 2230. Your mission is not changed except for North Bd after CCB gets south of NAHE River. South Br does not limit your maneuver in that direction. Make your main effort along super Hwy E of KAISERSLAUTERN. |
17 | 0813 |
| to CCB | Plan as outlined in field message has been approved by Corps Comdr and is in eff as of 2230. You are to cross to South of NAHE River as soon as possible preferably between 5509 and 61026 both incl. |
17 | 0834 |
| from CCB | Negative Report as of 0800 |
17 | 0835 |
| from 318th RCT (phone) | our 2d and 3d Bns are attacking to take of rest of the town of WEISKIRCHEN. |
17 | 0847 |
| from XX Corps (Lt Lee to Col Sheffield) | Capt Lee: I can get those searchlights if you still want them, and if so where do you want them to go to? Col Sheffield: Yes, I'd like to have them go to CCA HQ which is at 295065. Capt Lee: Ok they will arrive about 1400 und you will need a bulldozer to dig them in. |
17 | 0849 |
| from CCB | TF Riley jumps off at 0700 from NONNWEILER |
17 | 0850 |
| from CCB | Does C Tr/90th Rcn revert to Sq control or remain in this Comd |
17 | 0855 |
| from CCA | CP at R015 L040moving to R028 L024 time 0830 |
17 | 0904 |
| from CCA | Fwd elements TF Hankings Vic F111 L049 repairing bridge |
17 | 0909 |
| from 318th RCT (S-3 Capt) | to Sgt Hart: Town at CP 48 (336034) is entirely clear; sending patrols to town North of CP49 345067 |
17 | 0920 | 0920 | to 90th CavRcnSq (Mecz) (phone: Capt McKaney) | to Maj Dayton: Alert your Command for movement on short notice |
17 | 0926 | 0926 | to XX Corps (phone: Capt McKaney) | to Capt Lull: latest report on CCA: TF Hankins at 0845 reported repairing a bridge at 391071. All elements of CCA jumped off this morning at 0700 and 0705. That is the only one we have a report on. CCB: no change |
17 | 0930 |
| from XX Corps (phone: Lt Lee) | to Capt McKaney: the RCT from 94th ID which is attached to you is detached effective immediately |
17 | 0932 |
| from CCA | bridge blown at 387036 and 394035 |
17 | 0940 |
| from Div Artillery (Ln O, Lt Buck) | CP Div Artillery at RAPPWEILER 3025; 420th at 350045; 419th und 776th FA Bns at RAPPWEILER 3025; 689th FA Bn - 390163; 274th FA Bn 390138; 423d FA Bn at 433170 |
17 | 0945 |
| from CCA | TF Cherry - Team Davis at F094 R005 |
17 | 0945 |
| from CCB | TF Riley leading elements at 480120 at 0800A. Report no resistance. |
17 | 1015 |
| received from CCB | route overlay to accomplish mission given by field message, HQ 10th AD |
17 | 1015 |
| Received from 80th ID | showing locations of forward elements |
17 | 1015 |
| from CCA | CP CCA opens F030 L025 at 0945 |
17 | 1025 |
| from CCB | TF Riley reports bridge out at 485117. Elements could not find bypass. Treadway requested, no resistance reported |
17 | 1033 |
| from CCB | TF Chamberlain - lead elements at 454179 at 0815. Br 7505 intact at that point. Trees felled for 200 yards east of bridge. No enemy resistance encountered |
17 | 1045 | 1045 | to CCB (phone: Capt McCaney S-3) | an you give me any information on Richardson? S-3: Richardson is still int own where he was located lst night. He was ordered b our CO this morning to send a clearing force over the road to the south and prepare to follow Riley when Riley clears the town which he was located in. Riley jumped off at 0700 this morning. Capt McCaney: Did you receive my message re 301st RCT? |
17 | 0947 |
| relayed from ( ) | Present location 432178 (unclassified) |
17 | 0947 |
| from CCA | CP CCA at F030 L025 |
17 | 0950 | 0950 | to XX Corps (phone: Capt McKaney to Capt Lee) | Riley at 0940 was at 485117. Held up by blown bridge. Undefended. Reports no resistance. Richardson is coming down to follow Riley. No report as to whether he was moved out as yet. He should be on the way by now. Riley has had no resistance. They are putting in a bridge where that one was blown as they could find no by pass. At 0845 leading Elements of TF Hankins at 391070. Team Rcn is moving out now. Going out on the River flank. We plan to move out CP about 1300. advanced CP has already gone forward. |
17 | 0955 |
| from CCA | TF Hankins reports no enemy resistance except blown bridge and road craters. TF C reports encountering blown bridges and road craters. |
17 | 0958 |
| from 90th Cav | moved out |
17 | 1115 |
| from CCA | Adv elements TF Cherry F104 L015 and F103 L003 ( ) and ( ), at 1032A. TF Hankins F110 L1040 ( ) at 1040A. |
17 | 1115 |
| from CCB | Ref you message of 0907. 301st Inf Rgt, 3d Bn is being assembled at 340155 |
17 | 1200 |
| received from 94th ID | G-3 Report No. 116 (Ln officer XX Corps) |
17 | 1200 |
| from XX Corps (Ln O, Capt Knight) | G-3 Sitreps No. 908, 909; 65th ID (Ln O, XX Corps): G-3 Report No. 11 |
17 | 1215 |
| from CCA | TF Cherry at F111 L015 ( ). Looking for bypass around 2d blown bridge. Other team at F113 L015. Could find no road. |
17 | 1125 | 1125 | to XX Corps (phone: Capt McKaney) | TF Cherry took bridge intact at 397039. Moving across at 1140. All these TF Hankings waiting for completion of Treadway Bridge. Cherry has team at 393015. We are moving to ZERF. |
17 | 1645 |
| Arrived MITLOSHEIM - opened CP |
17 | 1700 |
| from CCB | CP closing present location 1330 open in Rt to GUSENBURG 400155 same time |
17 | 1700 |
| from 90th Rcn | Sq CP closed in LOSHEIM 290009 |
17 | 1700 |
| from CCB | Location TF Chamberlain 6 460183 by passed Abatis mine field at DAMFLOS captured 25 PWs |
17 | 1700 |
| from CCB | 1st Plat C 90th at 454198 and 455190, no enemy in town, 14 PWs taken today by them. |
17 | 1700 |
| from ??? | Clearing Force from TF Richardson reports road from 43??10 to 437150 to 441924, clear combat, patrol is checking pillboxes along the Rt. |
17 | 1700 |
| from CCB | TF Chamberlain leading elements entering ZUSCH 475170, no resistance Team Lang of TF Richardson now at 435115, no resistance, constructing bridge as nobypass available. |
17 | 1525 |
| from Reserve Command | We are held up by columns in town of Z Have you anything for Res Comd 3 if not we will continue as soon as Jam cleares as scheduled. |
17 | 1550 |
| from CG 10th AD Tk | Shaddeau beyond 5316 undetermined distance and out of Rad contact at 1215A. Reading toward River 15 möh intermittent Mort and Artillery Fire Received along Rt |
17 | 1700 |
| from CCB | C/90 at 1109 T Lang of TF Richardson at 434158 at 1130. TF Chamberlain H at 472170 collecting to continue attack now entering USCC at 1130 |
17 | 1600 |
| from 90th Rcn | CP closes LOSHEIM 1415, opened NUNKIRCHEN 1515 |
17 | 1700 |
| from CCA | TF Cherry lead elements F140 L015 |
17 | 1700 |
| from CCB | TF Chamberlain has dismounted patrol working south along PRIMS River from road block 455179, no info on results |
17 | 1700 |
| from CG 10th AD | Send location of advanced CP |
17 | 1700 |
| from CCB | Platoon of Medium Tanks from TF Chamberlain on mission to find bypass to north of road block of felled trees at 457179 contacted platoon of C/90 at 458198 at 0915 at approx the same time 10 rounds of Artillery fell at this location |
17 | 1700 |
| (intercept) from 90th Rcn | 2d Platoon ??FAH?? Crossed River at F071 L004, ford good approach poor part of town on east bank of river cleared, opposition light, trying to find road to East. |
17 | 1700 |
| from AGO | request location of forward elements CCB and CCA |
17 | 1700 |
| from CG Tk | Shaddeau entering USCH. CG going to Chamberlain then to C Co (or CCB) |
17 | 1710 |
| from CCB | Riley at C160 FO Report |
17 | 1710 |
| from 90th Rcn | Ford 368017 gravel bottom load beyond unsuitable for medium tanks Br at 37100 blown, fort to river of bridge for will take medium tanks investigating area beyond ford |
17 | 1710 |
| from 90th Rcn | BUSCHFELD 370998, BIEL 373012 and BARDENBACH 374015 cleared by FA H approx 20 PWs taken 2 wounded |
17 | 1710 |
| from 90th Cav | bridge at 311962 and bridge at 379978, both blown |
17 | 1510 |
| from CCB | 1st Plat C 90th at 454198 and 455190, no enemy in town, 14 PWs taken today by them. |
17 | 1700 |
| from CCB | TF Chamberlain leading elements entering ZUSCH 475170, no resistance Team Lang of TF Richardson now at 435115, no resistance, constructing bridge as nobypass available. |
17 | 1700 |
| from 80th Med | report location of CCA and CCB |
17 | 1720 |
| from 94th ID (to CO CCB thru CG 10th AD) | n compliance with VOCG XX Corps 170945A 301 Inf is releaved from attachment CCB, 10th AD, and reverts to Div Res.Comply with Bar 3 A, supplement 1 to FO 17 dated 160800A. Prepare to be motorized and attached to another ArmDiv within the next 24 hours. Trucks remain attached to 301 Inf until further notice. CT attachments released effective 17100A |
17 | 1510 |
| from Reserve Command | We are now moving to town of B due South of town of G, our forward elements are now entering your town |
17 | 1510 |
| from AGO | message of 1420 is urgent |
17 | 1710 |
| from CCA | Do you wish a Bn of 318th Rct to be attached to CCB? |
17 | 1720 |
| from Res Cd (By liaison O) | Res Comd closed in town of BRITTEN at 1700 |
17 | 1720 |
| from Artillery | Forward observer reports TF Chamberlain entered 554176 |
17 | 1720 |
| from 90th Cav | 2d Platoon FAH Crossed River at F071 L004, ford good approach poor part of town on east bank of river cleared, opposition light, trying to find road to East. |
17 | 1720 |
| from CCB | TF Chamberlain at 532187 going South at 1520A. What is stroy on 318th RCT? |
17 | 1720 |
| from CCB | Town at 3900096 captured by 21st Tk Bn. 34 PWs taken. CP CCB 398153 |
17 | 1640 | 1640 | to XX Corps | Rcn elements CCB at 454148 and 455190 at 1200A. CP 90th Cav opened at Losheim at 1215A. CP CCB moving to GUSENBURG at 1330A. CP CCA moving to WADERN 1630A. Elements TF Cherry in KRETTNICH at 1602A |
17 | 1745 |
| from 90th Cav | Sq less A and F, Trs now at NUNKIRCHEN. B Tr Rcn for crossing PRIMS River . 319 Inf attacking east to river in l between 371000 and 561962 |
17 | 1752 |
| from AGO | Send me your location and that of leading elements. Use thrust lines. |
17 | 1745 | 1745 | to all units, XX Corps, 26th ID, 94th ID and 26 ID | CP, 10th AD opened MITLOSHEIM (307044) at 1700 |
17 | 1850 |
| from CCB | Request positions of lead elements of CCA |
17 | 1850 |
| from CCA | TF Hankins reports counterattack at 447083 (KASTEL) with 1 platoon tanks. Repulsed at 1733A. 3 enemy tanks knocked-out |
17 | 1850 |
| from 90th Cav | 2d Plat FAH at F090 L007 ( ). Engaged in fire fight. Enemy dug in 200 yards to east of this point. Strenght undetermined. |
17 | 1850 |
| from Div Artillery (reported by liaison O, Lt. Buck) | CP Div Artillery RAPPWEILER. 419th - OBERMORSCHOLZ, 420th FA At WADERN. Lt. Buck reported at 1300 CCB took town of BRAUNSHAUSEN. Forward oberserver of CC at following locations (reported by Lt. Buck): B27 at CkPt52, C29 at CkPt94, 1200 yards south; A22 500 yards beyond CkPt83; B29 passing CkPt113, A17 - at CkPt41 (with TF Cherry); C22 at CkPt 66; Team Wall at CkPt86; Team Davis at CkPt64; TF Richardson 10,000 yards north of CkPt113; TF Riley 4000N of CkPt94 |
17 | 1900 |
| from Reserve Command | CP closed TRIER at 1340. Opened BRITTEN 1700A |
17 | 1915 | 1915 | to XX Corps (phone: Capt Lee to Lt. Smith) | Location Div CP at 307046 at1700. Forward Elements of CCB at 555175, 534076. Leading elements of CCA - 441075, 422035. Cav Vic 370005. Received message re town we are to take tonight and tomorrow, has been forwarded to units concerned. Resistance light, scattered S/S fire, some artillery and Mort, no report on minefields, mostly blown bridges, tank ditches and road blocks |
17 | 1920 |
| from CCB | Attn G-3: TF Riley captured RR Br at 55020906. 2 bridges over river at 550091 and 551092 intact. Both established. Town at 548089 captured but possibly booby trapped |
17 | 1945 |
| from 90th Cav | 27660 FAG at F106 L009. Remainder of troops crossing ford at F073 L004. Enemy infantry will follow us across tonite. We will continue to the East. |
17 | 1945 |
| to CCB | Direct TF Riley to seize ST. WENDEL tonight. Direct TF Chamberlain to seize KAISERSLAUTERN tomorrow. |
17 | 1945 |
| from CCB | TF Riley forward elements south of river approx 2 km north west CkPt 171. TF Richardson behind TF Riley prepared to pass thru after river crossing. TF Chamberlain forward elements at town beginning with B 10 km north CkPt 171 at 1730A. |
17 | 2025 |
| from CCB | CP closing present locations 1320. Open in route to GUSENBURG 400155 same time. |
17 | 2025 |
| from 318th RCT | C Tr 90th Cav at 464184 at 1109. Team Lang of TF Richardson at 434158 at 1130. TF Cherry at 472170 collecting to continue attack now. Entering US17 at 1130. |
17 | 2035 |
| from G-3 76th ID to CG 10th AD | Attn liaison officer 76th ID. Report locations of forward elements 10th AD and adjacent Orgns XX Corps this HQ without delay. |
17 | 2005 | 2005 | from General Morris to CO CCB (Radio) | Gen Morris: Have you sent us your latest report on dispositions? Col Roberts: Yes, by CW. General Morris: What I want you to do is to have TF Richardson move toward the south east to the large road center (town of ST. WENDEL) and continue on mission. Col Roberts: I will continue to the SE into CCA area. General Morris: Have 1 TF go toward the SE and the other TF to town beginning the KA. Have TF River start in that direction tonight. How soon can you start. Carry that mission out and if there is any change I will let you know later. |
17 | 2035 | 2035 | to XX Corps (Gen Morris to General Walker) | Gen Walker: Has General Collier been up here? Gen Morris: Yes, I have seen him. Gen Walker: General Morris, progress made by your Division in the last 36 hours has brought down a lot of criticism. I talked to General Patton today. He is not satisfied and it went all the way to SHAEF. I want your division to take ST. WENDEL tonight and KAISERSLAUTERN tomorrow. If you take ST. WENDEL tonight you will get one medal. If you take KAISERSLAUTERN tomorrow you will get two medals. General Eisenhower is not as bitter as General Patton and myself. It did not look too good yesterday when we were making our rounds. Give them the works. |
17 | 2040 |
| from CCA | CP at F110 L028 |
17 | 2045 |
| from CCA | bridge taken intact at F168 L061 |
17 | 2045 |
| from 90th Cav | request Infantry fire by friendly units in Z brounded by Prims River NS Grid 43 and EW Grid 99. We are working in that area now |
17 | 2110 | 2110 | to XX Corps (Phone: Lt Smith to Capt Lee) | Have bridge intact at 448081 (Kastel). Have CCA columns (TF Riley) there at 1930. 3 bridges intact Vic 550090, 1 railroad bridge and 2 vehicle bridges. TF Riley is there, was there at 1850. TF Richardson is right behind him. Both have been instructed to shoot down to ST. WENDEL and both are going that way. As soon as they break loose one of them will shoot out to the town of KAISERSLAUTERN. Cav units at 408015. Not sure just how much is there, at least one platoon. They are going to the town of ST. WENDEL. That will make 3 columns heading for that town tonight. |
17 | 2115 |
| from 90th Cav | What is your location. |
17 | 2135 |
| from CCB (Radio: S-3 to Col Sheffield) | CCB requested same amount of Infantry for future operations immediately. Col Sheffield: You can have them immediately. Where do you want them to report. S-3: I will call you back later and let you know where they are to report. |
17 | 2145 |
| from Div Artillery (reported by liaison O, Lt. Buck) | Change in Mission - 419th FA in direct support of TF Hankins, 420th Armd FA in direct support of TF Cherry. 776th FA Bn General support of CCA. Location of forward elements - Team Havlovitz - Check Point 113; Hankins - Check Point 52, Hyduke - 500 yards beyond Check Point 83; Team Holland 800 East of Check Point 11; Cherry at Check Point 41; Team Brown at Check Point 66; Team Davis just short of Check Point 113 at 113 at 1830; Team Wall at Check Point 86; Team McIntosh at Check Point 86; Team Baker at Check Point 66 at 1350; Unidentified Team at Check Point 97 at 1950; report as of 2145 |
17 | 1720 | 1720 | to XX Corps | TF Riley at 536090 at 1550A |
17 | 2030 | 2030 | to CCB | Confirming phone Message: Push Riley to ST. WENDEL tonight and RICHARDSON toward KAISERSLAUTERN, if possible for Chamberlain to get bridge across NAHE River have him push toward KAISERSLAUTERN also. CCA is also pushing toward ST. WENDEL tonight, but so far do not have any vehicles across PRIMS River. You should beat him there. We must have at least one tank in ST. WENDEL prior to dawn. |
17 | 2040 | 2040 | to CCA | Make every effort toward ST. WENDEL tonight. CCB is pushing down from North West tonight with same mission. We must have at least one tank in ST. WENDEL prior to dawn by order of General Patton. |
17 | 2050 | 2050 | to 90th Cav | Make maximum effort toward ST. WENDEL tonight, and on the KAISERSLAUTERN tomorrow. We must have at least one tank in ST. WENDEL by dawn tomorrow by order of General Patton. |
17 | 2100 | 2100 | to CCB | The CC Comdr - the TF Comdr and the Team Comdr of the lst 10th Armd Tk to reach ST. WENDEL tonight will get a medal from me |
17 | 2230 |
| from 90th Cav Rcn Sq | 1st Platoon bridge B at Altland 408016. 2d and 3d at 401015. Woods from fort to these position not cleared. 36 PWs taken. Platoons receiving light artillery fire. |
17 | 2245 |
| from CCA | request lights from Check Point 86 to South Check Point 86 1500 meters from 2400 to 0200 |
17 | 2245 |
| from XX Corps | Corps CP and Air strip open Saarburg - time signed 172010A |
17 | 2140 | 2140 | to CCB | you can have Infantry Bn Mtzd on call. Just let me know when and where you want it |
17 | 2210 | 2210 | to CCB | Infantry Bn Mtzd you will get on call is now located at 335072 |
17 | 2305 |
| from CCA (Radio: Maj Balthis to Col Sheffield) | We have no change in our forward elements. We are about ready to go. Col Sheffield: We must have a report of your forward elements each hour. I received your request for the blinkers, I will have them run that mission. |
17 | 2330 |
| from CCB | reuqest 1 Bn Infantry be attached to this HQ immediately |
17 | 2345 |
| from Div Artillery (Phone: Lt Buck to Sgt McGuire) | Change in location 419th FA 400 meters north east Check Point 95. CCA CP 300 meters south east Check Point 64 at Rj. Location of forward observer - C29 11 meters south and 700 west of Check Point 120; A22 600 south of ckt 94; 329 300 east of Check Point 29; C22 300 north west of Check Point 66; B22 at Check Point 97; C37 at Check Point 86 |
17 | 2355 |
| from 318th Inf Regt (Phone) | Negativ report |
17 | 2400 |
| from 90th Cav | All of Tp B across Prims River, securing bridge head. 1st Bn 319th Infantry follows up commencing 2200. Fort at 371004 being repaired now to cross remainders of Sq tonight |
17 | 2400 | 2400 | to XX Corps | no change in locations, will call you as soon as I get a report. |